Myo-Fix Concentrate


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The most effective no-needle treatment for expression lines, Myo-Fix Concentrate relaxes frown lines for smoother skin and a fresher appearance. Unlike injectable solutions, Myo-Fix still allows complete control over facial expression. The unique formula includes three strong myorelaxing peptides immobilising the skin. Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 decreases visible effects of ageing by reducing deep wrinkles and lines on the forehead and around the eyes. Leuphasyl helps facial muscles remain at rest and prevents the formation of wrinkles and expression lines.
Peptide Syn-Ake, a biotech imitation of Indian viper poison toxin, inhibits the reactions causing muscles to move or contract. Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-4 stimulates the synthesis of collagen and other structural elements of the skin. Forehead wrinkles can decrease by 31% delivering a dramatic smoothing effect in just two months. Simply work in the product with a cotton tip to massage along the wrinkles.
A light numbing sensation may occur in the areas of application.

Myo-Fix Concentrate is recommended to extend and maintain botox results without the side effects of injections. Botox in quarantine is unavailable as most aesthetic services aren’t allowed to practice, and Myo-Fix can substitute your scheduled botulinum toxin injection without any breach of lockdown.

ATTENTION: Myo-Fix range is incompatible with skincare products containing retinol, all of its derivatives and AHAs, as aggressive ingredients can destroy the peptides and negate the effect!


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